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"Getting back to this basic way of living has been a passion project for us. I healed my body by giving it what it needs and taking away what it doesn't."

~ Cindy Mueller CHt. BSc. MSc. RHN

Cindy Mueller CHt. BSc. MSc. RHN

My Story

Cindy Mueller CHt. BSc. MSc. RHN


After being married to my husband for 21 years and raising four teenagers, I decided to pursue my interest in agriculture and nature. As someone who grew up on a farm and obtained an MSc. in horticulture, it was a natural fit when my husband and I purchased a farm in Haldimand county in 2007. Our farm, Fisherville Greenhouses, has gone through changes over the years, but our mission has remained consistent: to supply quality produce for our family and customers and create a health movement that spreads from our farm.

Little did I know that this mission would become even more important when, in 2012, I developed a nearly body-wide rash and other mysterious symptoms that no doctor could diagnose for three years. Finally, I was diagnosed with Dermatomyositis, a rare autoimmune disease. Unfortunately, most prescription drugs didn't work or had unbearable side effects.

My Mission

Back to Basics

Intuitively, I turned to a back-to-basics approach. I already grew my own food on our farm, and I knew that it was more nutritious than what I could find at the grocery store since it was organically grown. I slowly began to improve and even had periods where my rash subsided and I felt normal again. It then became a challenge to grow 90% of what I ate. My husband and I started raising free-range laying hens, pasture-raised chicken and turkey, grass-fed lamb, and recently, grass-fed, finished beef. We also planted ancient grains on our 62 acres to make our own flour. Part of my healing I attribute to two powerful roots, ginger and turmeric, which we started growing organically and established the Canadian Ginger Company in 2018. We sell our fresh ginger and turmeric in season across Canada and also created our new tea blend, Just Ginger herbal tea.


Getting back to this basic way of living has been a passion project for us. I healed my body by giving it what it needs and taking away what it doesn't.

Cindy Mueller CHt. BSc. MSc. RHN and her husband
chickens on cindy mueller's farm

Our Family Farm

cows on cindy mueller's farm
sheep on cindy mueller's farm


Digestive Wellness

Food Allergies & Sensitivities

Healthy Cooking & Meal Planning

Diets & Detoxing

Elimination Diets

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